What did I need to learn to do this job?
Maths, physics, nature and art were my favourite subjects at school. Literature and science complement each other. Culture and art can feed our scientific and creative thinking.
I studied aerodynamics at Northwestern Polytechnical University in China. I also enjoyed languages; I studied English and Russian.
In my job I need to carry out scientific experiments properly. To be an excellent scientist, you need to believe in your dreams. You need to be hard working, patient and creative, and want to continually improve things. You also need to have team spirit and a healthy body.
He Dexin, 80, China
President Emeritus of the World Wind Energy Association and Honorary Director of the Chinese Wind Energy Association
Science and creativity make for a healthy planet
Protecting the planet needs to begin with ourselves. I have followed this belief all my life and I am now 80 years old!
My job is to develop the best ways to use wind energy with the goal of protecting the environment, limiting climate change, producing green energy and improving human health and wellbeing. I love my job very much and it is an important part of my life.
I mainly conduct scientific research and help university students learn about wind engineering and aerodynamics (the way air moves around things). I do a lot of reading in the library or my office, carry out tests in the wind tunnel (a device that generates artificial wind), give lectures and tutor students in the classroom, and write papers or reports at home.
Around the year 2000, it became clear to me how important it was that we respond to climate change and reduce carbon emissions. We need to replace fossil fuels with renewable energy and reduce greenhouse gases. To make this happen, a lot of different people need to cooperate.
As the leader of a wind energy association, I must have a vision and see the “big picture”.
Like the conductor of an orchestra, I have to organise and coordinate each person in the team, while working for a common goal. I have to believe in what I’m doing while caring for my colleagues.
I live by these goals in my work and in my personal life. I took my two grandchildren to visit and learn about wind farms, so they could see what protecting the planet means in their own lives. I hope all young people will understand that we must develop and use renewable energy to keep our planet clean and healthy.